2025 5th International Conference on Human–Machine Interaction (ICHMI 2025) will be held in Haikou, China on May 23-25, 2025. The conference is co-sponsored by Hainan University, China and Beijing CAS Spark Institute of Information Technology(SIIT).
We can proudly say that the ICHMI2025 conference is going to be even more of a truly international and an excellent forum for both young and experienced researchers and seasoned academics to present and defend their work on a global stage. Sharing experiences and difficulties between researchers with mentoring new researchers is where we ensure research is taken to the boundaries of new knowledge.
在当今人机物融合的世界中,和谐人机环境已成为多学科交叉的重要研究领域,并深刻影响着信息技术和信息产业的发展。 围绕行为认知、服务提供、交互方式、交互载体、产业平台等方面内容,为更好地促进学术交流、提高会议质量与水平, 第五届人机交互国际会议(ICHMI 2025) 将于2025年5月23-25日在海口举办。本次会议由海南大学和北京中科星火信息科技研究院共同主办。此次盛会将广邀学术界、产业界相关领域的研究和开发人员,共同探讨以人为本计算模式的最新发展及和谐人机计算的新理论、新方法和新技术,促进人机融合的普适计算、自然化的人机交互和无感化的智能智能穿戴等新兴研究方向的发展。会议期间将邀请国内外著名学者做大会特邀报告、著名企业介绍行业需求,并对最新趋势和热点问题进行专题研讨。欢迎相关领域中的相关研究者、开发者、应用者和工业领域专家踊跃参会。
Conference Proceedings | 会议论文集
- After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers after proper registration and presentation, papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.
- ICHMI 2024 - ACM - ISBN: 979-8-4007-1681-2
- ICHMI 2023 - ACM - ISBN: 979-8-4007-0008-8 | Ei Compendex, Scopus
- ICHMI 2022 - ACM - ISBN: 978-1-4503-9661-5 | Ei Compendex, Scopus
- ICHMI 2021 - ACM - ISBN: 978-1-4503-8777-4 | Ei Compendex, Scopus
- ICHMI录用文章将出版到会议论文集并检索。 文章作者将被邀请参会做口头报告。
Submission Details | 投稿详情
- Please log in the Iconf. Submission System; ( .pdf only) to submit your full paper and abstract.
欢迎点击投稿链接进行系统投稿(全文或者摘要),只有全文投稿才有出版资格。 - For any inquiry about the conference, please feel free to contact us at: ichmi_conf@vip.163.com.
- Template Download: Template
- Note: a. Your submission will be reviewed by the conference scientific committee.
b. Only Full paper submission will be published in conference proceedings if accepted.